The Weight column defines the weight applied to the bus or filter set in the particular hub. Populate it with:
load - weight is defined by current bus load (normalized across the hub), provided the bus has load. For filter sets, only buses defined as load buses will be included.
gen - weight is defined by current generation output at the bus, provided the bus has a generator. For filter sets, only buses defined as generator buses will be included.
a numeric constant to define the weight. Aurora automatically normalizes weights so that they sum to 1 across the same hub. If the sum of all weights in the same hub does not equal 1, then weights are calculated as
Weight (used in calculation) = Weight (number input by user, 'load', or 'gen') / Sum (Weights at all buses in the hub)
blank - bus is ignored and not included in the calculation. Hubs defined as filter sets with Weight = null/blank will be ignored.
NOTE: Entering anything other than strings load or gen, or a numeric constant to define the weight will result in a warning and the bus will be ignored. Aurora also checks whether or not the bus has generation or a load for gen and load specifications. For example, defining the weight for a generator bus with no load as a load weight will result in a warning and the bus will be ignored from the output. Note that load and gen weighting are allowed in loadflow area definitions and buses within the area meeting a threshold requirement that are valid are used (for load-weighting, only load buses are used and for gen-weighting, only gen buses are used).
NOTE: Hubs with load or gen weighted buses will ignore negative generation or demand values and buses with NonConforming Load. However, shunt MW's are included.
Weight Column