Supplemental Branch Table

The Supplemental Branch table can be used to flag individual branches for reporting to improve processing time in situations where only a subset of case branches are of interest and to create a list of branches with monitoring turned off.  It can also be used to apply economic resistance to flows to a branch via wheeling charges,to override base branch or contingency limits, and to setup random outages using the Risk function.

NOTE: Records can be added to this table directly from the Nodal Case Input tables by using the right-click Insert Supplemental Branch Record feature.


Allow Infeas Repair

Branch Name


Contingency Flow Limit

Contingency Shadow Price Cap

Counterflow Wheeling

Counterflow Wheeling Tier

Filter Set

Filter Set Type

Flow Limit

Forced Outage

From Bus Number

Mean Repair Time


Primary Key


Risk Outage

Shadow Price Cap

To Bus Number


Wheeling Tier


 Nodal Input Tables

 Supplemental Branch Table

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