The Database to SQL Script utility will produce an SQL Script from any given PLEXOS Database, (both Input and Solution databases), which will create and populate an SQL Database with the corresponding schema and data. It currently creates Primary Keys, Foreign Key Relationships and Unique Constraints.
DatasetToSQL [output_filename] [--drop] [--target="dbms"] [--progress] [--compress]
[--filter=] [--periodtype=] [--dataonly] [--dbname=]
can be an input database (*.xml) or a Solution database (*.zip)
--drop Generate SQL to DROP the database if it already exists.
--target Generates additional SQL supported by a specific DBMS. (default=sqlserver)
Valid dbms values are: sqlserver, mysql, oracle, sqlite, access (32-bit only)
--progress Generates progress messages in the SQL Script.
--compress Writes the output file to a ZIP archive.
--filter To split up large databases you can provide a class filter for the data files.
--periodtype To split up large databases you can provide a period type filter for the data files.
--dataonly Generates INSERTs for data-related tables only.
--dbname Use specific database name rather than the filename of the dataset.
--simple For Solution databases, creates a database with a simpler and faster schema.
DatasetToSQL [database_filename] [--drop] [--execute] [--sqlserver-server=][--sqlserver-integrate}
[--sqlserver-login=] [--sqlserver-password=][--sqlserverdatafiles][--sqlserverdatafilepath-out=]
[--sqlserverdatafilepath-in=] [--overwrite]
--execute Execute the SQL (SQL Server only; requires server and login information)
--sqlserver-server Server name (SQL Server only)
--sqlserver-integrated Use Integrated Security (SQL Server only)
--sqlserver-login Login name (SQL Server only)
--sqlserver-password Password (SQL Server only)
--sqlserverdatafiles Generate data files for solution data allowing for faster data import in SQL Server.
--sqlserverdatafilepath-out The path in which to generate the solution data files for SQL Server (default=current directory).
--sqlserverdatafilepath-in The path in which SQL Server will be able to access the solution data files
--overwrite Generate code to re-use an existing database, clearing its data first.
--sqlitedatafiles Generate data files for solution data allowing for faster data import in SQLite.
--sqlitedatafilepath-out The path in which to generate the solution data files for SQLite (default=current directory).
At the present time, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite and Access (32-bit only) are supported. Use the --target command line argument to specify which DBMS you intend to run the script for.
To populate a Microsoft Access Database, use the 32-bit version of DataSetToSQL and ensure you have installed the 32-bit version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine.
The sql script generated may be quite large. It may be necessary, therefore, to execute the resulting script from the command line.
SQL Server: sqlcmd -i script.sql
MySQL: mysql < script.sql
Oracle: sqlplus @script.sql
SQLite: sqlite3 -init script.sql database.db ".exit"
Access databases are created by the utility directly. There is no script output.
The most efficient method to import Solution Data into SQL Server is to pass the --execute flag and SQL Server credentials so that DataSetToSQL can populate the database directly. If this is not possible, similar performance can be achieved by generating data files which can later be imported using SQL Server's BULK INSERT feature. In this case you do not need to specify credentials.
An independent BULK INSERT involves generating data files using the --sqlserverdatafiles flag, and specifying --sqlserverdatafilepath-out (where the files will be written to) and --sqlserverdatafilepath-in (where the files will be read from by SQL Server. This path must be visible to the instance of SQL Server running the import script and would only be set if you plan on moving the files to this location after they are generated.) You can then execute the SQL Script to populate the database.
To more efficiently populate SQLite with Solution data, pass --sqlite-datafiles (and optionally an --sqlite-datafilepath). DataSetToSQL will now generate CSV files for the large t_data tables, and the SQL script will import from these files. Do not move the files once generated as the SQL script references the path explicitly.
A basic query in SQL Server of the solution database would be as follows.
SELECT AS 'Model', AS 'Parent Object', AS 'Collection',
AS 'Child Object', AS 'Property', t_key.band_id AS 'Band', AS 'Timeslice',
t_sample.sample_id AS 'Sample', t_period_0.datetime AS 'Datetime', t_data_0.value AS 'Value', t_unit.value AS 'Units'
FROM t_membership
INNER JOIN t_collection ON t_membership.collection_id = t_collection.collection_id
INNER JOIN t_object t_parent_object ON t_membership.parent_object_id = t_parent_object.object_id
INNER JOIN t_object t_child_object ON t_membership.child_object_id = t_child_object.object_id
INNER JOIN t_property ON t_collection.collection_id = t_property.collection_id
INNER JOIN t_unit ON t_property.unit_id = t_unit.unit_id
INNER JOIN t_key ON t_membership.membership_id = t_key.membership_id AND t_property.property_id = t_key.property_id
INNER JOIN t_model ON t_key.model_id = t_model.model_id
INNER JOIN t_timeslice ON t_key.timeslice_id = t_timeslice.timeslice_id
INNER JOIN t_sample ON t_key.sample_id = t_sample.sample_id
INNER JOIN t_data_0 ON t_key.key_id = t_data_0.key_id
INNER JOIN t_phase_4 ON t_data_0.period_id = t_phase_4.period_id
INNER JOIN t_period_0 ON t_phase_4.interval_id = t_period_0.interval_id
WHERE t_key.phase_id = @phase_id AND t_collection.collection_id = @collection_id AND (@property_id IS NULL OR
t_property.property_id = @property_id)
ORDER BY,,,,, t_key.band_id,,
t_sample.sample_id, t_period_0.datetime
Of the various "numbered" tables, such as t_data_0, t_data_1, t_period_0, t_period_1, etc; the number refers to a period type, where the numbers correspond as follows:
0 = Interval, 1 = Day, 2 = Week, 3 = Month, 4 = Year
phase_id's correspond as follows:
1 = LT Plan, 2 = PASA, 3 = MT Schedule, 4 = ST Schedule
A basic query in SQL Server of the solution database would be as follows. In this format, all ids for parameters can be acquired from lookup tables.
SELECT AS 'Parent Object', AS 'Model', AS 'Phase', AS 'Collection', AS 'Child Object', AS 'Category', AS 'Property',
t_solution_data.band_id AS 'Band', AS 'Timeslice', AS 'Sample',
_date AS 'Datetime',
t_solution_data.value AS 'Value', AS 'Units'
FROM t_solution_data
INNER JOIN t_model ON t_solution_data.model_id = t_model.model_id
INNER JOIN t_object t_parent_object ON t_solution_data.parent_id = t_parent_object.object_id
INNER JOIN t_object t_child_object ON t_solution_data.child_id = t_child_object.object_id
INNER JOIN t_collection ON t_solution_data.collection_id = t_collection.collection_id
INNER JOIN t_category ON t_solution_data.category_id = t_category.category_id
INNER JOIN t_property ON t_solution_data.property_id = t_property.property_id
INNER JOIN t_timeslice ON t_solution_data.timeslice_id = t_timeslice.timeslice_id
INNER JOIN t_sample ON t_solution_data.sample_id = t_sample.sample_id
INNER JOIN t_unit ON t_solution_data.unit_id = t_unit.unit_id
INNER JOIN t_phase ON t_solution_data.phase_id = t_phase.phase_id
INNER JOIN t_period_type ON t_solution_data.period_type_id = t_period_type.period_type_id
WHERE t_solution_data.period_type_id = @period_type_id AND
t_solution_data.phase_id = @phase_id AND
t_solution_data.collection_id = @collection_id AND
t_solution_data.property_id = @property_id AND
t_solution_data.model_id = @model_id AND
t_solution_data.timeslice_id = @timeslice_id AND
t_solution_data.sample_id = @sample_id
ORDER BY t_solution_data.model_id, parent_id, t_solution_data.collection_id, child_id, t_solution_data.property_id, t_solution_data._date