Battery Capacity Degradation

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Degradation in capacity with age in number of cycles

Battery Capacity Degradation is the degree to which battery capacity degrades with increasing numbers of cycles.


Property Value Units
End Effects Method Recycle -
Units 1 -
Capacity 129 MWh
Max Power 100 MW
Initial SoC 75 %
Charge Efficiency 90 %
Discharge Efficiency 100 %
Initial Age 100 cycles
Capacity Degradation 0.043 %

In this example the Battery is initially 100 cycles old and degrades at a rate of 0.043% per cycle meaning that its initial degraded state is 95.7% and it will continue to degrade over the course of the simulation horizon as it accumulates cycles.

See also: