Battery Discharge Transition Time

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum time between operating in discharge mode and charge mode

Battery Discharge Transition Time sets the minimum time between operating in discharge mode and charge mode. By default, the battery can switch between modes from one interval to the next.

Table 1: Battery Transition Time Examples
Battery Property Value Units
4hr Units 1 -
4hr Capacity 100 MWh
4hr Max Power 25 MW
4hr Charge Efficiency 95 %
4hr Discharge Efficiency 95 %
4hr Discharge Transition Time 1 h
4hr Charge Transition Time 2 h

For the example in Table 1 the battery must wait at least one hour after discharging before it can charge or two hours to discharge after charging.

See also: