Battery Levelized Capital Carrying Rate

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Levelized capital carrying rate

Battery Levelized Capital Carrying Rate is the yearly cost for the generation project as a percentage of the Build Cost.

The levelized capital carrying rate is the rate that a company is expected to pay to finance its assets. Specifying Levelized Capital Carrying Rate overrides the properties that otherwise specify the yearly cost of a generation project. The following properties are not used in conjunction with Levelized Capital Carrying Rate; WACC, Discount Rate, End Effects Method, Depreciation Method, Tax Rate, and Inflation Rate.

The yearly cost applied to the generation project will be equal to:

Levelized Capital Carrying Rate x Build Cost

Levelized Capital Carrying Rate is only applied to LT Plan where it is used in combination with Economic Life to compute an annuity equivalent to the defined Build Cost. See Generation topic in LT Plan for more details on annuity calculation when not using Levelized Capital Carrying Rate.