Competition Pricing Strategy

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3)
Description:The Bertrand Competition strategy used to set offer/bid prices each interval.

Competition Pricing Strategy controls the Bertrand Competition (Shadow Pricing) dynamic mark-up algorithm. It can take the following values:

Off (Value = 0)
Bertrand Competition is disabled.
No Congestion (Value = 1)
Generators set mark-upsignoring congestion in the transmission network.
Regional (Value = 2)
This method recognizes when there is congestion betweenRegions. When this occurs regions can become price-islands and generators will price higher to take advantage of reduced competition.
Zonal (Value = 3)
This method recognizes when there is congestion between and inside Zones. Here the Zone definition can be quite different to the Region definition. For example in the California system you can define one or more Regions to match the load areas, and Zones to represent the major pricing areas such as "NP15", "SP15" and "ZP26".

See also: