Competition Revenue Targeting Method

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2)
Description:Method used in adjusting offers to meet revenue targets.

Competition Revenue Targeting Method applies to both the LRMC Recovery and Nash-Cournot games, and controls what scope the revenue targeting algorithm has each bidding round in changing generator markups. It can take the following values:

Increment Only (Value = 0)
Markup can only be increased each iteration.
Decrement Only (Value = 1)
Markup can only be decreased each iteration.
Increment or Decrement (Value = 2)
Markup can be increased or decreased each iteration.

Markup is increased when Company Net Profit is negative, and decreased if it is positive.

Generally this option is set to "Increment Only", but if you are modelling a emission constrained case you might want high emitters to actually decrease their plant bids in order to overcome the marginal penalty of emissions.