Decision Variable Time Invariant

Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3)
Description:Controls which aspects of the generic decision variable represent time-invariant values.

Decision Variable Time Invariant controls whether or not the generic decision variable represents a time-invariant value and which aspects of the variable are time invariant. This setting affects how the Lower Bound, Upper Bound and Objective Function Coefficient are interpreted in simulations where Horizon Periods per Day is non-hourly and also in simulation phases such as MT Schedule when intervals are combined together into multi-hour blocks.

The setting can take one of these values:

None (value = 0)
Neither the variable itself nor its costs are time-invariant and therefore both its bounds and objective function coefficient will be scaled by the number of hours in each simulation period.
Bounds (value = 1)
The bounds are time-invariant but the cost must be scaled by the number of hours in each simulation period. This is the default and is analogous to the way Generator Generation is treated i.e. generation is rate and therefore its bounds are time invariant but it's cost is not.
Cost (value = 2)
The cost is time-invariant but the bounds must be scaled by the number of hours in each simulation period.
All (value = 3)
Both the bounds and the cost are time-invariant. This is analogous to the way Generator Units Started is treated i.e. if a start occurs in a simulation period neither the cost nor the number of start is a function of the hours in the period.