Diagnostic Infeasibility Diagnostic Files

Units: Yes/No
Default Value: False (0)
Validation Rule: False (0) or True (-1)
Description: Write infeasible and repaired math programs to disk in text format

Diagnostic Infeasibilities toggles on/off writing of diagnostic text files for any infeasible mathematical programming problems encountered during the simulation. The infeasible problem is written out as well as the repaired file if a repair was successful. This switch also toggles on/off the printing of infeasibility diagnostics to the screen as in the following example:

           WARNING 210: Problem is infeasible. Solution status = PrimalInfeasibleCertificate.
 Minimizing LP  Original problem has:
     165342 rows        87725 cols       451956 elements
 Presolved problem has:
      62306 rows        53383 cols       237772 elements
 Crash basis containing 15266 structural columns created
    Its         Obj Value      S   Ninf  Nneg        Sum Inf  Time
      0      -5.86629E+11      D      1   168    1360.932695     0
   1000      -5.40073E+11      D  12138     0    36286390.17     0
   1059      -5.40083E+11      D  12061     0    2703082.365     0
 Uncrunching matrix
   1059      -5.40083E+11      D  14586     0    19439565.40     0
 Problem is infeasible


 Problem status: The problem is primal infeasible

 The following constraints are involved in the primal infeasibility
 Index    Name                                      Lower bound      Upper bound      Dual lower       Dual upper
 R5369    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{147}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5370    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{148}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5371    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{149}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5372    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{150}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5373    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{151}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5374    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{152}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5375    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{153}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5376    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{154}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5377    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{155}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5378    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{156}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5379    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{157}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5380    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{158}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5381    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{159}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5382    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{160}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5383    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{161}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5384    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{162}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5385    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{163}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5386    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{164}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5387    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{165}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 R5388    Con_At Least 1 out 3 aaaaaaa Run{166}     1.000000e+000    NONE             5.200000e+004    0.000000e+000    
 ... etc ...

 The following bound constraints are involved in the primal infeasibility
 Index    Name                                      Lower bound      Upper bound      Dual lower       Dual upper
 ... etc ...


In the above extract the number of lines of infeasibility diagnostic information printed is limited by Diagnostic Max Infeasibility Log Lines which has been set to 20.