Diagnostic Objective Function

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Write diagnostics for non-zero terms in the objective function.

Diagnostic Objective Function produces a tab-delimited text diagnostic file that lists all variables that appear in the objective function with a non-zero coefficient and non-zero optimal value along with any objective function constant. It then lists the activity of those variables, such that you can compute term-by-term the elements that make up the complete objective function value.

An example follows:

Step    Sample    Column    Coefficient    Value    Total
1    1    Constant    1    203092568.3    203092568.3
1    1    GenLoad_MyGen{1}    107.6601211    9    968.9410899
1    1    GenLoad_MyGen{2}    322.9803633    9    2906.8232697000003
1    1    GenLoad_MyGen{3}    538.3006055    9    4844.705449499999
1    1    GenLoad_MyGen{4}    968.9410899    9    8720.4698091

The columns are:

The simulation step
The simulation sample (for multi-sample simulations)
The name of the column or decision variable in the mathematical programming problem
The objective function coefficient of the column/variable
The value of the column/variable at the optimal solution (only non-zero values are listed)
The production of Coefficient and Value giving the total contribution of that variable to the objective function value