Diagnostic Region Supply

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Execute region supply diagnostic (this is an active diagnostic)

The Region Supply Diagnostic is a tool for determining, in each interval of the simulation, and for the selected Region the total supply capacity from Generators and Imports. The diagnostic runs each simulation step after the normal simulation iterations are complete and produces a report in XML format. The method is as follows:

  1. The Price of Dump Energy at the Region Reference Node is set to a large positive value.
  2. The mathematical programming problem is rerun from the current solution.
  3. The amount of dump energy is recorded as the total supply available.
  4. The Price of Dump Energy is reset.

The calculated supply capacity is the maximum amount of supply that can be delivered to the Region taking into account all active transmission and generation constraints.

NOTE: The source code for this Diagnostic is included in the OpenPLEXOS project and distributed with the installation files.