Facility Min Down Time

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum number of hours a unit must be off after being shut down

Facility Min Down Time is the minimum number of hours the unit must be off in any commitment cycle. The number of hours down is reported in the property Hours Down.  Min Down Time is a static property. If it is defined dynamically (varying according to different periods), the maximum value will be used.

By default, Min Down Time is enforced after any shutdown event including forced outages. If you prefer that units are available for commitment immediately after repair following a forced outage, turn on the Production setting Forced Outage Relaxes Min Down Time.

To model a dynamic MDT use custom constraints. For example, consider a Facility with MDT of 6 hours but only between the hours 12pm to 6.00 am (next day). Assuming that the Facility has one unit and the simulation resolution is hourly, for time slice H12-6, the custom constraint is written using HoursDownCoefficient, UnitsShutDownCoefficient and time lag such as:

HoursDownCoefficient t+6 ≥ 6 UnitsShutDownCoefficient t

For other time slices, set these coefficients to be zero and the constraint will be deactivated.

See also: