Flow Control Type

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3,4,5)
Key Property:No
Description:Flow control type

Flow Control Type is Flow control type.

PST (value = 0)

Normal Phase-Shifting Transformer

DSR (value = 1)

Distributed Series Reactor (DSR) is a saturable reactor, and therefore the maximum inductance of a fleet of units is current-dependent. The angle-flow curve is modeled by using Angle Points and Flow Loading Points.

DSSC(value = 2)

Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) is modelled as an AC voltage source in series with any given line. The voltage injected is fully variable within certain bounds.

MSSR(value = 3)

Mechanically-Switched Series Reactor (MSSR) is able to inject discrete levels of inductance to achieve angle shifting between 0 and Max Angle.

TCSC(value = 4)

Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is modeled as a current-dependent impedance that can be inductive or capacitive.

SSSC(value = 5)

Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is modeled as a variable series voltage source, with allowable angle ranging from Min Angle to Max Angle. Typically only one unit installed per line