Gas Contract Contract Type

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Type of gas contract

Gas Contract Contract Type controls the method used to constrain the final Take Quantity.

The setting can take these values:

Swing (value = 0)
Take Quantity will be any amount up to the Quantity Day. Gas Contract Price is for the amount of gas used.
Base (value = 1)
Take Quantity will be any amount up to the Quantity Day, but contract takes the same amount each day of a calendar month. Gas Contract Price is for the amount of gas used. When using Base with LT Plan or MT Schedule the LDC must be day, otherwise the contract will default to Swing.
Take or Pay (value = 2)
Take Quantity will be any amount up to the Quantity Day. Gas Contract Price is for amount specified in Quantity Day.

Note that ST Schedule must span at least one year when using Contract Type = "Base" without LT Plan or MT Schedule enabled.