Gas Pipeline Expansion Max Flow Day

Units:1000ยท~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Expansion Max Flow Daily total gas release for the pipeline

Gas Pipelines Expansion Max Flow Day is expansion max flow daily total gas release for the pipeline.

Gas Pipeline Expansion Max Flow Day is the amount of potential daily gas release during LT plan optimization. For an expansion pipeline, an LT plan will choose the optimal level of daily gas release for the pipeline. The resulting Max Flow Day from the LT plan are utilized in the subsequent phases.

Multi-band Expansion Max Flow Day inputs are interpreted as fixed decision points for expansion plan. LT plan expansion decision must select one of the specified bands.

Max Flow Day for expansion candidate pipeline should be populated properly for the expansion to work.


In the following example, the LT plan is free to select an optimal Max Flow Day for pipeline P1 between 0 and 100 TJ. However, for pipeline P2 the Max Flow Day after the LT expansion must be either 20TJ, 40TJ, or 60TJ.