Gas Storage Injection Rate Scalar

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Scalar to set the maximum amount of gas that can be injected into the storage

Gas Storage Injection Rate Scalar scales the Injection Ratchet to set an upper bound on the maximum amount of gas that can be injected into the storage within a particular time period and band. This value corresponds with the Injection Volume (or Injection Volume Factor if using percentage based ratchets) for the given band.

When Use Additive Ratchet is Yes, the input is incremental, starting from the last band to the first. For example:

Property Value Units Band
Injection Volume 400 TJ 1
Injection Rate Scalar 50 % 1
Injection Volume 300 TJ 2
Injection Rate Scalar 30 % 2
Injection Volume 300 TJ 3
Injection Rate Scalar 20 % 3
Injection Ratchet 100 TJ 1

In this case, band 1, which has a volume of 400 TJ, can be injected into at a rate of (0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2) * 100 TJ per time period. Band 2, which has a volume of 300 TJ, can be injected into at a rate of (0.3 + 0.2) * 100 TJ per time period, after band 1 has been filled. Lastly, band 3, which has a volume of 300 TJ, can be injected into at a rate of 0.2 * 100 TJ per time period, after bands 1 and 2 have been filled.

See also: