Generator Build Set Size

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Expansion must occur in sets of this many units where zero indicates any set size

Setting Generator Build Set Size to a non-zero value indicates that expansion must occur in sets of this many units.

Table 1: Build Set Size Example
Property Value Units Band Memo
Max Capacity 1 MW 1
Build Cost 20 $/kW 1 t = -2 cost
Build Cost 50 $/kW 2 t = -1 cost
Build Cost 15 $/kW 3 t = 0 cost
Project Start Date 1/01/2006 - 1
Max Units Built 160 - 1
Build Set Size 50 - 1

In this example the Generator is defined as 1 MW "units" that must be built in sets of 50 at a time. Thus 0, 50, 100, 150 only is feasible for Units Built.

Note that this set size constraint is ignored if Expansion Optimality is "Linear Relaxation" or in years outside the LT Plan Integerization Horizon.