Generator CHP Heat Production

Units:GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Heat production from CHP mode

Generator CHP Heat Production is Heat production from CHP mode.

This value is the heat production from the CHP stage only. It excludes the Heat Production from Boiler. It is reported directly from the optimization problem.


  1. Heat production is the output heat from CHP stage that is accounted to meet the heat load requirement (no other losses are assumed). However, Heat Production can be lower than input heat load because of two reasons: There is an auxiliary boiler or the heat load was scaled according to outages to avoid infeasibilities.
  2. Heat Production can be greater than the Heat Load as Heat Production constraint is defined as "greater than or equal" constraint.

See also Boiler Heat Production, Boiler Fuel Offtake