Generator Fuel Price

Units:$/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial)
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Fuel price (when not using Fuels collection)

Generator Fuel Price when used as an input is the fuel price for the generator.


Generator Property Value Units
BOB Fuel Price 3 $/GJ
BOB Heat Rate 10 GJ/MWh

Here the generator has a fixed heat rate of 10 and fuel price of 3, hence its marginal (and average) cost per megawatt hour is 10 x 3 = $30/MWh.

More commonly though generators are associated with one or more Fuel objects and Price is taken from the Fuels collection.

The fuel price passed on to a generator is defined as:

Fuel Price = Fuel Total Price / Heat Value + Transport Charge

As an output Fuel Price is the volume-weighted price paid for the fuel and defined as:

Fuel Price = Fuel Cost / Fuel Offtake

See also: