Generator Min Load

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum level of station load (must run/run of river)

Generator Min Load sets a lower bound on the Generation from the facility in each dispatch interval regardless of the unit commitment.

How the value of Min Load is interpreted depends on the Min Load Global setting. It controls whether the value is across all units at the facility or unit-by-unit.

By default Min Load is a hard constraint, but can be made a soft constraint by defining Min Load Penalty and any violations are reported in the properties Min Load Violation, Min Load Violation Cost and Min Load Violation Hours.

Table 1: Min Load Example
Property Value Units Data File
Units 4 -
Max Capacity 150 MW
Min Stable Level 60 MW
Min Load 0 MW Min Load.csv

For the example in Table 1 the Min Load is a time series read from a Data File.

The amount of Generation attributable to the Min Load requirement is reported as Min Load Generation.

Note that Min Load is automatically derated by the Generator Forced Outage Rate and Maintenance Rate in non-chronological simulation phases e.g. when LT Plan or MT Schedule are using load duration curves. This is done to simulate the effect of outages on the ability of the station to meet the Min Load requirement.

See also: