Generator Price Setting

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:Flag if the generator can set price

Generator Price Setting indicates if the generator is allowed to set price (marginal cost of generation) i.e. if it can set the pool price when marginal. By default all generators can set price. Turning this option off allows for cases where, due to market rules, a generator or set of generators is not permitted to set the market clearing price even if it is marginal for energy at the optimal solution. This property can be used, for example, to remove the pricing effects of hydro units and ensure that market pricing reflects only thermal incremental costs. This property will also remove the generator from any uplift calculation if Region Uplift is enabled.

To set the flag simply define the property with value 'Yes'(value = -1) on generators that are able to set price or 'No' (value = 0) for those units that must not set price. Note that the default value is true so it is strictly only necessary to list the generators that cannot set price.


Generator Property Value Units
HYDRO Price Setting -
THERMAL Price Setting -1 -

The behaviour of this property changes slightly, depending on the type of Region Load Settlement Model used. In the case where the Most Expensive Dispatched option is used, any Generators that have a value of 'No' for the this option, will simply be excluded from setting the price. However in all other Load Settlement Model cases setting this property to 'No' for any generator, causes the simulation to solve an additional 'pricing' step where non-price setting generators' dispatch levels are 'frozen' at their optimal levels and the marginal price is determined. Thus this option can have an impact on simulation performance.