Generator Repair Time Distribution

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:In (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Key Property:No
Description:Distribution used to generate repair times (Auto,Constant,Uniform,Triangular,Exponential,Weibull,Lognormal,SEV,LEV)

Main.Generator Repair Time Distribution sets the statistical function used to generate repair times in the Monte Carlo simulation.

The option can take these values:

Automatic (value = -1)
The repair time distribution will be inferred from the data defined. This works only for Constant, Uniform, and Triangular cases. If you wish to use one of the other distributions you must set this option specifically to the correct distribution type.
Constant (value = 0)
All repair times will be the same, as defined by Mean Time to Repair.
Uniform (value = 1)
Repair times will vary uniformly between Min Time to Repair and Max Time to Repair.
Triangular (value = 2)
Repair times will be drawn from a triangular distribution with location and scale defined by Min Time to Repair and Max Time to Repair, and the peak of the triangle at Mean Time to Repair.
Exponential (value = 3)
Repair times will be drawn from an exponential distribution with location given by Min Time to Repair, and scale by Repair Time Scale.
Weibull (value = 4)
Repair times will be drawn from a Weibull distribution with location given by Min Time to Repair, scale by Repair Time Scale, and shape by Repair Time Shape.
Lognormal (value = 5)
Repair times will be drawn from a lognormal distribution with location given by Min Time to Repair, and scale by Repair Time Scale, and shape by Repair Time Shape.
Smallest Extreme Value (SEV) (value = 6)
Location given by Min Time to Repair, and scale by Repair Time Scale.
Largest Extreme Value (LEV) (value = 7)
Location given by Min Time to Repair, and scale by Repair Time Scale.

The distribution types are discussed further in the article Planned and Random Outages.