Generator Constraints Generation Squared Coefficient

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Coefficient of the square of generation

Generator Constraints Generation Squared Coefficient is the left-hand side coefficient on the square of the Generator Generation in the constraint.

This constraint term is intended for use in generic transmission constraints where the square of generation forms a part of the limit, for example:

Line "A-B" Flow 1000 + 0.02 x Region "B" Load  - 0.0015 x Generator "P" Generation2

The quadratic term is not directly formulated in the linear constraint system, instead the simulator approximates the term by solving iteratively along with other dynamic transmission constraints. At each iteration, the quadratic term is linearized using a Taylor Expansion around the current Generator Generation level i.e. given the Generation of p, the following terms are added to the Constraint:

... + a(i,j) × 2 × Generator Generation ... {≤, ≥, =} bj × - a(i,j) × p2

This approach includes a linear left hand side term combined with a right hand side constant. In the case where the squared term should appear exclusively on the right hand side, the preferred approach is to define RHS Constant in which case the generation level used defaults to the 'last period' generation and no active left hand side terms is placed on Generator Generation.

NOTE: Constraints including dynamically evaluated terms like this cannot be used as Definition constraints for a Decision Variable.

See also: