Heat Plant Units Producing Heat

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Number of units producing heat

This is the number of units producing heat i.e. that are on-line and generating heat. A unit is counted as being 'online' once it has been started and is generating above notional zero level i.e. this includes any run up/down period.

By default, he simulation will freely choose the initial commitment state of the units on/off depending on which is optimal.

Units Producing Heat will be a value between zero and the number of Units plus any Units Built (in LT Plan). It will be an integer only if:

  1. The Production Unit Commitment Optimality setting is not "Linear Relaxation"; and
  2. The Heat plant Unit Commitment Optimality setting is also not "Linear Relaxation"; and
  3. The simulation phase is ST Schedule (chronological simulation).

In all other cases Units Producing Heat can be non-integer.

See also: