Water Demand Index

Water Demand Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Bid Price$/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)True-10000FalseValue of water in band
Bid Quantitym³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0≥0FalseQuantity bid in band
Demandm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0FalseDemand for water
Excess Price$/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False-100FalseNotional price of water oversupply
Shortage Price$/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False1000FalseNotional price of water shortage
x-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
y-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
z-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution

Water Demand Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Bid Cleared - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Bid Cleared - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueBid cleared in band
Bid Price - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)Bid Price - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue of water in band
Bid Quantity - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Bid Quantity - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueQuantity bid in band
Cleared Bid Price - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)Cleared Bid Price - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice of marginal bid band
Cleared Bid Value - $Cleared Bid Value - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseArea cleared under demand curve
Cost - $Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of water demand
Demand - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Demand - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseDemand for water
Excess - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Excess - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseExcess of water supply
Excess Cost - $Excess Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of water excesses
Excess Hours - hExcess Hours - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours of excess supply of water
Net Demand - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Net Demand - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseWater demand net of shortages and excesses
Price Paid - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)Price Paid - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice paid for water demand
Shortage - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Shortage - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShortage of water supply
Shortage Cost - $Shortage Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of water supply shortages
Shortage Hours - hShortage Hours - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours of shortage in water supply
x xPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
y yPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
z zPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution