Water Pipeline Index

Water Pipeline Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Build Cost$000True0FalseCost of building the Water pipeline
Consumption Allocation-False0.5Between 0 And 1FalseProportion of the electricity consumption allocated to the receiving water node
Diameterm (Metric), ft (U.S. Imperial)False0.762≥0FalseWater Pipeline diameter
Economic LifeyrFalse30≥0FalseEconomic life of the Water pipeline (period over which fixed costs are recovered).
Energy Consumed AmountMWTrue0≥0FalseEnergy consumption defining the pipeline energy consumption curve.
Energy Consumed Flow Levelm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0≥0FalseFlow level defining the water pipeline energy consumption curve.
Expansion Max Capacitym³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False1E+30≥0FalseExpansion max daily total water release for the pipeline
Expansion Optimality-False2In (0,2)FalseExpansion planning integerization scheme.
Expansion Pipeline-False0In (0,1)FalseIndicates if the water pipeline is eligible for expansion planning
Flow Rate Pointm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0≥0FalseFlow rate point for the system curve
FO&M Charge$000False0FalseAnnual fixed operation and maintenance charge
Forced Outage Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to forced outage
Head Pointm (Metric), ft (U.S. Imperial)True0≥0FalseHead point for the system curve
Integerization HorizonyrFalse-1≥-1FalseNumber of years over which the expansion decisions are integerized
Is AvailableYes/NoFalse1In (0,1)FalseIndicates if Water Pipeline is available for flow.
Is Bidirectional-False0In (0,1)FalseIndicates if the pipeline allows flow in both directions
Lead TimeyrFalse0≥0FalseNumber of years after which the expansion project can begin
Lengthm (Metric), ft (U.S. Imperial)False0≥0FalseLength of the Water Pipeline
Maintenance Frequency-True0≥0FalseFrequency of maintenance outages in an annual time frame
Maintenance Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to maintenance
Max Capacitym³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False1E+30≥0FalseMaximum flow rate on the water pipeline
Max Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMaximum time to repair
Mean Time to RepairhTrue24≥0FalseMean time to repair
Min Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMinimum time to repair
Outage Ratingm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0FalseWater pipeline Max Capacity during the outage
Project Start Date-False36526≥0FalseStart date of Water pipeline project, for expansion planning.
Pump Efficiency%False70Between 0 And 100FalseEfficiency of Water Pipeline pump
Random Number Seed-False0Between 0 And 2147483647FalseRandom number seed assigned to the pipeline for the generation of outages
Repair Time Distribution-True-1In (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)FalseDistribution used to generate repair times (Auto,Constant,Uniform,Triangular,Exponential,Weibull,Lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Scale-True0FalseRepair time function scale parameter (for exponential,Weibull,lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Shape-True0FalseRepair time function shape parameter (for Weibull,lognormal)
Retirement Cost$000False0FalseCost of retiring the Water pipeline
Retirement Pipeline-False0In (0,1)FalseIndicates if the water pipeline is eligible for retirement planning
Roughness-False150≥0FalseWater Pipeline roughness constant
System Curve Coefficient A-False0FalseSystem curve coefficient A for the quadratic term
System Curve Coefficient B-False0FalseSystem curve coefficient B for the linear term
System Curve Coefficient C-False0FalseSystem curve coefficient C for the constant term
Technical LifeyrFalse1E+30≥0FalseTechnical lifetime of the Water pipeline
VO&M Charge$/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)True0FalseVariable operations and maintenance costs of the Water Pipeline
WACC%False10≥0FalseWeighted average cost of capital
x-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
y-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
z-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution

Water Pipeline Maintenances Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Outage Ratingm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseMax Rating during the outage

Water Pipeline Constraints Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Flow Back Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow at the sending node
Flow Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow
Flow Forward Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow at the receiving node
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built in the year
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired in the year

Water Pipeline Objectives Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Flow Back Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow at the sending node
Flow Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow
Flow Forward Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Pipeline flow at the receiving node
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built in the year
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired in the year

Water Pipeline Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Build Cost - $000Build Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of building the Water pipeline
Energy Consumption - MWEnergy Consumption - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTotal energy consumed for pipeline utilization
Fixed Costs - $Fixed Costs - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTotal fixed costs including amortized build costs
Flow - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Flow - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseQuantity of water extracted from the pipeline
Flow Capacity Outage - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFlow capacity on outage due to maintenance or forced outage
FO&M Cost - $FO&M Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFixed operation and maintenance cost
Forced Outage - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Forced Outage - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCapacity forced out
Forced Outage Hours - hForced Outage Hours - hReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the pipeline is on forced outage
Hours Congested - hHours Congested - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the pipeline is congested in the reference direction
Hours Congested Back - hHours Congested Back - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the pipeline is congested in the counter-reference direction
Maintenance - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Maintenance - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ReliabilityLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCapacity out on maintenance
Maintenance Hours - hMaintenance Hours - hReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the pipeline is on maintenance
Max Capacity Built - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Max Capacity Built - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)ExpansionLT PlanFalseAmount of increase in Water Pipeline Max Capacity
Max Capacity Retired - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Max Capacity Retired - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)ExpansionLT PlanFalseAmount of reduction in Water Pipeline Max Capacity
Production Cost - $Production Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of extracting water from the pipeline
Retirement Cost - $000Retirement Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of retiring the Water pipeline
Service Factor - %Service Factor - %ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of pipeline capacity available
Units Out ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of units out of service
x xPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
y yPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
z zPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution