LT Plan Solution Quality

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Description:Continue producing solutions up to Solution Count or when Solution Quality falls to this level

This option is supplementary to Solution Count. It sets a limit on the quality of solutions in the Solution Hierarchy, terminating the solution search when this quality measure it reached. To measure the quality of solution (i) relative to the optimal solution (i = 0) the following formula is used:

Quality (%) = 100 × [1 - ( Objectivei - Objective0 ) / Objective0]

The following is an example of the output of the solution hierarchy algorithm showing the solution number, objective value and quality measure. The Solution Quality is set to 98%:

 Solution  Objective         Quality     
        0   1.02550937E+010     100.0000%
        1   1.02772363E+010      99.7841%
        2   1.03636608E+010      98.9413%
        3   1.03809985E+010      98.7723%
        4   1.03968411E+010      98.6178%
        5   1.04123633E+010      98.4664%
        6   1.04292338E+010      98.3019%
        7   1.04319087E+010      98.2758%
        8   1.04327086E+010      98.2680%
        9   1.04475690E+010      98.1231%
       10   1.04511552E+010      98.0882%
       11   1.04655712E+010      97.9476%