Line Circuits

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:≥1
Key Property:No
Description:Number of circuits in the notional interconnector for the purposes of outage modelling

Line Circuits does not affect the amount of transmission capacity (that is dictated by the Max Flow and Min Flow properties). Instead the Circuits property splits the transmission line as multiple circuits so that any random outage or planned maintenance events produce partial and full outages.


Property Value Units
Max Flow 500 MW
Min Flow -300 MW
Circuits 2 -
Forced Outage Rate 0.5 %
Mean Time to Repair 6 hrs

Here the Circuits = 2 means that the line is treated as a double-circuit for the purposes of outages, and will suffer a combination of single (250 MW in the reference direction, 150 in the reverse) and double circuit (complete outage) failures.

NOTE: The existence or otherwise of the line is controlled by the [Line.Units|Units] property.