Gas Plant Class

Description:Gas processing plant e.g. converting raw natural gas to pipeline quality

See also Gas Plant Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

A Gas Plant connects two parts of the gas network via the Input Node and Output Node memberships.

See the Gas Modelling article for details.

Gas Plant

Natural gas plant is the unit that purifies raw natural gas extracted from a well. The Obligatory membership for this object is the "Gas Plant Output Node" which highlights in which "Gas Node" the "Gas Plant" exports gas. Gas plants can also be linked to electric Nodes.


"Gas Field" can be activated or deactivated from the system with the use of "Units" property. If the user wants to remove it, then the value of zero should be set. The Max. and Min. production of gas can be limited using the "Max Production" and "Min Production" properties respectively, while the consumption of the plant can be set as well.


The maximum units of "Gas Plants" to be built through the Horizon can be constrained from the "Max Units Built" property, while the maximum built number per year can be adjusted by the "Max Unit Built in Year" property. The same stands for the maximum number of retirement gas plat units per year "Max Units Retired in year" or in total within our simulation "Max Units Retired".