Gas Transport Class

Description:Gas shipment

See also Gas Transport Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Gas Transport can be used for modeling both contract and spot market liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipments.

Contract LNG Shipments

When the Gas Contracts membership is defined the Gas Contract works to define the delivery quantity of gas at the Import Node for the Gas Transport.

As an illustration, consider a Gas Transport with two Gas Contracts as defined in the table below:

Object NamePropertyValueUnitsDate FromDate To
Contract 1Quantity15TJ12/03/201712/03/2017
Contract 2Quantity Day200TJ15/03/201716/03/2017

From the table above, it can be seen that there will be 15 TJ gas arriving the import node in each period of the day 12/03/2017 so the total imported gas in that day is 360 TJ, provided the period is one hour. It can also be seen that there will be 200 TJ gas arriving the import node in the first interval of day 5/03/2017 and 16/03/2017, respectively. Generally, for other versions of Gas Contract Quantity, we assume the quantity is defined for the first interval in that time frame.

Note that when a Gas Contract is linked to a Gas Transport, the memberships between the Gas Contract and other objects are ignored. For example, if the Gas Contract has two memberships one is for Gas Field and the other is for Gas Transport, the Gas Field membership will be deleted.

Spot Market LNG Shipments

The Gas Transport class can also be used to model the spot market i.e. optimization of timing and load of shipping. To enable this feature, we should at least define the two input properties, Max Volume and Max Shipments or one of its variant.

As an illustration, consider a gas transport with two key properties as defined in the table below:

Max Volume4MMcf
Max Shipments Month2-

From the table above, it is clear that in each month the maximum number of LNG voyages is limited to two and the max volume of the LNG ship should not be larger than 4 MMcf. The timing of the shipping will be co-optimized with other gas objects.

See the Gas Modelling article for details about other gas classes.