Message 74

Severity:Moderate (value = 3)
Default Action:Error (value = 0)
Description:Generator <name> fuel-specific heat rate functions <value> must all have the same form as the general heat rate.

Message 74 occurs when you define heat rate data on both the Generator object and on its Fuels membership, but you use different forms for the heat rate definition.


Generator Property Value Units Band
CT Load Point 47.5 MW 1
CT Load Point 71.25 MW 2
CT Load Point 95 MW 3
CT Heat Rate 7575 BTU/kWh 1
CT Heat Rate 7300 BTU/kWh 2
CT Heat Rate 7000 BTU/kWh 3
Fuel Property Value Units Band
Generator ( CT ).Fuels ( Gas ) Heat Rate Base 50 MMBTU/hr 1
Generator ( CT ).Fuels ( Gas ) Heat Rate Incr 8 BTU/kWh 1
Generator ( CT ).Fuels ( Gas ) Heat Rate Incr2 0.02 BTU/kWh² 1