Message 78

Severity:Serious (value = 2)
Default Action:Error (value = 0)
Description:Generator <name> Heat Rate band count does not match Generator Load Point band count.

Message 78 occurs when you define a multi-point heat rate function without the matching Load Point values. Multi-point functions can be defined with either Heat Rate (average heat rate), Heat Rate Incr (marginal heat rate) or Efficiency Incr (marginal efficiency). When you define these values with more than one band you must provide a matching number of bands of Load Point as in the following example using three bands.


Property Value Units Band
Load Point 47.5 MW 1
Load Point 71.25 MW 2
Load Point 95 MW 3
Heat Rate 7575 BTU/kWh 1
Heat Rate 7300 BTU/kWh 2
Heat Rate 7000 BTU/kWh 3