Market Buy Block

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Size of block for purchases

Market Buy Block defines the period over which the option is exercised. Use the default value of 0 to turn off the option, or a 1 to indicate the option is available. Quantities exercised are even over the period up to the Max Purchases. Set the Buy Unit property to a value to exercise the option in discrete blocks.


In the following example, purchases must be made in 5 MW blocks up to a limit of 100 MW.

Property Value Units
Price 50 $/MWh
Max Purchases 100 MW
Buy Block 1 MW
Buy Unit 5 MW

The duration of the block purchase can be changed from every interval to hour, day, week, month or year using the appropriate period-type version of Buy Block.


In the following example, the purchase decision is made once per day, and if made the 5 MW blocks accepted must be taken in every hour of each day.

Property Value Units
Price 50 $/MWh
Max Purchases 100 MW
Buy Block Day 1 MW
Buy Block 5 MW

To use a profiled option over the course of a day, week, month, or year; combine the derivative version of Buy Block, and configure Max Purchases to represent the pattern. In order to be exercised appropriately, the step size in ST Schedule must be set long enough to include the option period, and if the discreet option size is used, MIP must be selected as this becomes an integer problem. (Note selecting rounded relaxation or LP, will not always result in discreet block sizes)


In the following example the purchase quantity is profiled according to the Timeslice objects "HLH" and "LLH". This profiling is intra-day, though the block purchase decision is made once-per-day.

Property Value Units Timeslice
Price 50 $/MWh
Max Purchases 100 MW HLH
Max Purchases 0 MW LLH
Buy Block Day 1 MW

See also: