Market Firm Capacity

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Contribution of the market purchases to generation capacity for capacity reserves.

Market Firm Capacity is the assumed contribution of the market purchases to 'generation capacity' for capacity reserves calculations in LT Plan. By default the Max Purchases is assumed 'firm' and counted as an 'import' in the Region Net Capacity Interchange. You may override this by setting Firm Capacity directly.


In the following example the Max Purchases is 230 MW, but only 50 MW can be counted as 'firm' for capacity calculations.

Market Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File
Purchase Price 0 - 1 Market Price
Purchase Max Sales 0 - 1
Purchase Max Purchases 230 - 1
Purchase Firm Capacity 50 MW 1

See also: