MarketHeatGenerators Conversion Rate

Units: GJ/GJ (Metric), MMBTU/MMBTU (U.S. Imperial)
Mode: Input Only
Multi-band: True
Default Value: 0
Validation Rule: Any Value
Key Property: No
Description: Conversion rate of generator heat input to waste heat input.

Market Heat Generators Conversion Rate is the incremental rate of conversion from heat input to the generator to waste heat output.

This property is allowed to be multi-band so that you can match the conversion rate with the generator heat rate model.


Generator Property Value Units
G1 Heat Rate 8.5 GJ/MWh
Market Generator Property Value Units
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.29 GJ/GJ

In this example the generator has a constant heat rate of 8.5. This is an equivalent efficiency of 3.6 / 8.5 = 42%. Thus the gross waste heat is 58%. Assuming that half of this is lost before it can be used in heating the conversion rate to usable heat is 0.5 0.58 = 0.29.


Generator Property Value Units Band
G1 Load Point 40 MW 1
G1 Load Point 55 MW 2
G1 Load Point 70 MW 3
G1 Load Point 85 MW 4
G1 Load Point 100 MW 5
G1 Heat Rate Incr 8.2 GJ/MWh 1
G1 Heat Rate Incr 8.4 GJ/MWh 2
G1 Heat Rate Incr 8.5 GJ/MWh 3
G1 Heat Rate Incr 8.6 GJ/MWh 4
G1 Heat Rate Incr 9.0 GJ/MWh 5
Market Generator Property Value Units Band
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.28 GJ/GJ 1
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.285 GJ/GJ 2
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.29 GJ/GJ 3
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.29 GJ/GJ 4
District Heating G1 Conversion Rate 0.3 GJ/GJ 5

This example shows how the conversion rate can be specified for each band of a multi-band heat rate model. When you define multiple bands for the conversion rate you must define the same number of bands for conversion as you have load points.