Performance Maximum Monitored MIP Iterations

Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Description:Maximum number of monitored row/column iterations with MIP enabled

Performance Max Monitored MIP Iterations sets a limit on the number of iterations of checking and enforcing 'monitored' elements i.e those that are not formulated 'upfront' such  transmission limits and generic constraints. These constraints are enforced in two passes:

  1. In the first pass, any integer constraints (such as unit commitment) are relaxed and iterations conclude when all constraints are satisfied.
  2. In the second pass, the integer constraints are reinstated and iterations continue until all constraints are enforced.

This setting limits the number of iterations in that second phase i.e. those with integer constraints enforced. In very large-scale models, significant time can be saved by limiting the integer iterations, however, the solution might not be fully converged - there might be some constraint violations remaining unresolved.

See also: