Performance Monitoring Periodic Clearing

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Description:Clear monitored constraints and variables from the formulation periodically (number of steps)

Instructs the simulator to clear any enforced monitored constraints and variables periodically. This includes dynamically enforced transmission limits which by default are carried over between simulation steps.  The setting can take the following values:

Never (n= 0, default)
Enforce monitored constraints and variables (e.g. transmission constraints) are carried over from one step to warm start the next.
Periodically (value > 0)
The enforced constraints and variables are cleared from the formulation every n steps. For example, a value of 1 means the constraints are cleared every step, whereas a value of 7 means they are cleared every seventh step.

Clearing the monitored constraints and variables can improve performance if the problem grows large and is hard to solve at the start of each step, however clearing does result in more monitoring iterations, thus experimentation with this setting is needed to find the best value for your model.