Physical Contract Bid Quantity

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:MW bid in band

Physical Contract Bid Quantity defines the quantity part of the load bid at the Load Node.


Physical Contract Property Value Units Band
LOAD1 Bid Quantity 70 MW 1
LOAD1 Bid Quantity 5 MW 2
LOAD1 Bid Price 10000 $/MWh 1
LOAD1 Bid Price 500 $/MWh 2

Bid Price defines the price part of the load bid. Higher values will clear first i.e. in this example the 70 MW load will clear unless the energy price exceeds $10000/MWh, the additional 5 MW load however will only dispatch if the energy price is less than or equal to $500/MWh, above that price that load will not be met.

You can place lower and upper bounds on the load dispatched using the Min Load and Max Load properties.