Production Min Heat Rate Tranche Size

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Description:Minimum tranche size in fuel function piecewise linear approximation

Production Min Heat Rate Tranche Size works in combination with Max Heat Rate Tranches to limit the number of tranches used in the piecewise linear approximation to Facility and Generator efficiency functions (heat rate curves). Tranches are fitted up to Max Heat Rate Tranches but only to the point that the smallest is at least this minimum value in size.

For example, if you set Max Heat Rate Tranches = 10 and Min Heat Rate Tranche Size = 20 and a Generator has Max Capacity = 100 and Min Stable Level = 20 then with all 10 tranches in use the first would be 20 representing Min Stable Level with the remainder being (100 - 20)/9 = 8.89 in size. Therefore the tranche count will be automatically reduced to 5 with tranche sizes 20 (tranche 1) and 20 (tranches 2-5).