Purchaser Price Paid

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Price paid for energy

Purchaser Price Paid is the volume-weighted price paid for all energy purchases. The price is controlled by the combination of Region Load Settlement Model and Purchaser Load Settlement Source:

If the Purchaser Load Settlement Source is entered as "Region"
Loads pay the regional reference price i.e. the locational marginal price at the region.
If the Purchaser Load Settlement Source is entered as "Node"
Loads pay the locational marginal price at the node. Unless Region Load Settlement Model is set to None - then loads make no payment for energy purchased..
If the Purchaser Load Settlement Source is not entered
Load Settlement Source will consider as the default value (Node) - unless Region Load Settlement Model is set to Reference Node - then loads pay the regional reference price.