Region Peak Period

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:Indicates periods that include the peak load

Region Peak Period is a flag that indicates periods that may include the Peak Load. By default all periods are considered when finding the Peak Load but you can restrict the search to certain times of year using this property. Changing the Peak Load affects LT Plan capacity calculations and can change the optimal expansion solution as a result.


In the following example only the summer time will be considered when finding the Peak Load.

Class Name Property Value Pattern
Timeslice SUMMER Include -1 M4-10
Timeslice WINTER Include -1 M1-3,11-12
Class Name Property Value Timeslice
Region AREA1 Peak Period 0 WINTER
Region AREA1 Peak Period -1 SUMMER

See also: