Report Write Database

Units: Yes/No
Default Value: True (-1)
Validation Rule: False (0) or True (-1)
Description: If the solution data are written to Microsoft Access database

Report Write Database toggles on/off writing of simulation results to Microsoft? Access database format. A single database (.MDB) file is created, following the naming convention controlled by the Make Unique Name setting that holds all selected Report data. The database structure is relational for convenient querying from other programs, and tables normalized to minimize the space taken to store the data. However, this format is limited to a maximum file size of 2GB, which can be easily exceeded. There is no predefined limit on the size of either zipped-XML or Flat File formats.

This format cannot be read by the PLEXOS user interface and will be converted to the (default) zipped-XML format if opened in the user interface. Hence the recommended format for simulation results is zipped-XML.