Storage Non-physical Inflow Penalty

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Penalty applied to non-physical inflow to the storage. A value of -1 means none are allowed.

Storage Non-physical Inflow Penalty toggles on/off inclusion of variables that represent 'non-physical' Inflow to the Storage. These inflows are analogous to Unserved Energy in the transmission system i.e. they represent shortages of inflows required to obtain a feasible storage balance. The default value of -1 means that non-physical inflows are not allowed.

The amount of non-physical inflows is reported as Storage Non-physical Inflow. When non-physical inflows occur the reported End Volume might be below Min Volume and even negative. Thus this setting should only be used to assist with diagnosing infeasibilities in hydro models.

See also: