Transmission Contingency Monitoring Threshold

Default Value:100
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Description:Monitor only this percentage of most affected Line/Transformer/Interface flows.

Contingency Monitoring Threshold provides a quick way to narrow down the set of branches monitored by a contingency. Contingency shift factors are calculated for all monitored branches and then ranked from largest to smallest relative impact of the outage elements to the branch. Only the top x% of branches will be monitored in SCUC iterations. The default value of 100% means all branches are monitored provided they meet the SCUC Constraint Voltage Threshold.

For the N-x contingency cases, it is assumed the pre-contingency power flow on outage branches are the same in order to make a generalized ranking.

This threshold is ignored if Contingency Monitored Lines/Transformers/Interfaces are not selected.

See also: