Transmission Convergence Report Level

Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2)
Description:Level of screen reporting during transmission convergence iterations (none, normal, verbose)

Transmission Convergence Report Level controls the level of screen messages are printed during iterations to enforce transmission constraints. PLEXOS always iterates to enforce transmission limits - so that the very minimum number of such constraints are active in the mathematical program at any time.

This option can take the following values:

None (value = 0)
No messages are reported during transmission constraint iterations
Normal (value = 1)
A single line is printed at the end of each iteration
Verbose (value = 2)
A line is printed for every transmission limit that is enforced

By default ("Normal" mode) these iterations report only a single line such as:

           Transmission Iteration 001. Enforced 14 Limits. Time: 0:00:05.765


If you would like to see details of each limit that is being enforced then set this switch to "Verbose". A line will then be printed for every limit, showing the current flow level and the limit applied.