Transmission Interruption Sharing

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If region interruption sharing is activated.

Transmission Interruption Sharing refers to the sharing of unserved energy across regions during periods of supply interruption. When enabled, this option invokes a dynamic interruption-sharing algorithm in PLEXOS that:

  1. Checks after solving the dispatch and pricing of a simulation step for incidences of unserved energy.
  2. Uses a branch-and-bound algorithm to determine which regions can share interruption i.e. the interconnectors between the regions must not be constrained (either at maximum capacity or by other generic constraints).
  3. Applies constraints to the dispatch to forced regions to share interruption in proportion to load.
  4. Resolves the dispatch and pricing with the new constraints in place.

In general, interruption sharing will result in higher levels of unserved energy.

NOTE: This algorithm mimic "pain sharing" approach taken by NEMMCO in the Australian NEM during times of outage. It is included here for compatibility with that market model and is not recommended for use in other contexts.