Variable Compound Start Date

Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Description:Start date for compounding index (-1 means use start of planning horizon)

By default this value is -1, which means that the compounding will take place at the start of the planning horizon. If this date is set then the compounding will commence on that date.

Please note that this property is treated differently to the other in PLEXOS, as the compounding will commence even if the date is before the start of the planning horizon. This allows a fixed date to be specified for the escalation to take place and to avoid escalated data from changing when horizon is modified.

This input is an integer representing a date in Microsoft date format, which is the number of days since 1/01/1900 (January 1, 1900).

TIP: To work out the date number that applies to a given date, enter the date into a cell in Microsoft Excel and change the number format of the cell to "General". This will then show the date its underlying number representation.