VariableLines Flowing Forward Coefficient

Units: -
Mode: Input Only
Multi-band: False
Default Value: 0
Validation Rule: Any Value
Key Property: No
Description: Boolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the reference direction, 0 otherwise)

Variable Lines Flowing Forward Coefficient is the coefficient on the logical condition that the line flow is in the reference direction, in the dynamic equation that decides when the conditional variable is active.


Variable Property Value Units
V-SA EXPORTING Profile 1 -
V-SA EXPORTING Condition = -
Variable Lines Property Value Units
V-SA EXPORTING V-SA Flowing Forward 1 -

Inside the simulation Flowing Forward will take the value 1 (true) when the line is flowing in the reference direction and 0 (false) at other times. Thus in this example the condition is active equation is:

V-SA EXPORTING Is Active if:1 x VSA Flowing Forward = 1 where VSA Flowing Forward is either 0 or 1.

See also: