Zone Maintenance Factor

Default Value:1
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maintenance factor

Zone Maintenance Factor is the maintenance profiling factor used by PASA to 'shape' maintenance events into appropriate periods of high capacity reserves. The factor indicates the relative desirability of maintenance in any period with zero meaning 'undesirable', one being 'neutral', and values above one meaning 'desirable'. The PASA setting Maintenance Sculpting can be used to shape the maintenance events more aggressively into the high reserve periods.


When used as an input you must ensure that the sum of Maintenance Factor across hours of a year sums precisely to the number of hours in the year, so that the average factor is unity; as in the following example of patterned input data. In this case no maintenance will occur in months January and December.

NOTE: If your planning horizon is less than a year the factors need not average unity.

Property Value Unit Timeslice
Maintenance Factor 0 MW/MW M01
Maintenance Factor 0.6990 MW/MW M02
Maintenance Factor 1.2619 MW/MW M03
Maintenance Factor 1.3373 MW/MW M04
Maintenance Factor 1.4464 MW/MW M05
Maintenance Factor 0.7877 MW/MW M06
Maintenance Factor 0.9247 MW/MW M07
Maintenance Factor 1.2572 MW/MW M08
Maintenance Factor 1.4236 MW/MW M09
Maintenance Factor 1.5039 MW/MW M10
Maintenance Factor 1.3585 MW/MW M11
Maintenance Factor 0 MW/MW M12

As an output, Maintenance Factor reports the optimal values calculated by PASA. See Region Maintenance Factor for an example.

See also: